Extended connectivity fingerprint

Extended connectivity fingerprint (ECFP) is generated by Morgan algorithm and a hash function based on SMILES.



Morgan algorithm

  • Numbering invariant atom information into an initial atom identifier

  • Identifiers are generated independently of previous identifiers and intermediate results are discarded

  • The iteration process is continued until every atom identifier is unique

ECFP algorithm

  • ECFP is based on Morgan algorithm, but its generation terminates after a predetermined number of iteration and keep intermediate results

  • The collision is solved by hash function

Pros and cons

ECFP is better at representing structure information than substructure-based fingerprints (e.g. para-substitution)


It has limitation that each atom invariant is located in specific integer by hash function, so it is less meaningful


  • Rogers, D., et al. Extended-Connectivity Fingerprints. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 2010.